Whole30 Sweet & Sour Paleo Meatballs


In a large bowl, mix together beef, egg, green onion, salt and pepper using your hands. Then add in coconut flour and mix again until evenly dispersed


Roll into 1-1/2 inch balls and place onto a cookie sheet. Bake until no longer pink inside, about 16-18 minutes.


Combine grape juice, tomato sauce, dates, vinegar, tomato paste, garlic, dry mustard, onion, salt, tabasco sauce, pepper, & allspice in a medium pot and bring to a boil. Cook for 1.5 minutes, stirring frequently


Turn the heat down to medium and simmer until the sauce begins to thicken and reduce, about 8-9 minutes, stirring frequently


Once reduced, pour the sauce into a high powered blender, or a small 3 cup food processor, and blend until smooth


Once the meatballs are done, add them into the sauce and stir until well coated


Serve over side of choice, garnish with extra green onion and DEVOUR

Full recipe & Nutrition Info on FoodFaithfitness.com